The Austin High Scales Club, which meets in room #191 and is run by Jacques Orenstien and Gideon Head, is a club that is focused on taking in reptiles that need homes and taking care of them. The people who visit the club are allowed to hold and interact with the many reptiles that live there. One of the reptiles they have is an adult corn snake named Cornelius, who is a rescue. The name “Cornelius” came from a vote they held, which they tend to do every time they get a new reptile. Cornelius used to live in a very small enclosure that was not meant to hold an adult corn snake, and was fed mainly crickets for a long time, which aren’t something a corn snake should have to eat since they mainly feed on mice and rats. Another snake they have, who is also a corn snake, is named Hans. They got Hans from a reptile breeder last year when he was extremely small, since then he has grown a lot but also still is quite young.
Scales club is also home to two bearded dragons, one of which is named Peter Griffin, which was decided on by a vote. The other bearded dragon is called Sophira and belongs to Jacq. The two of them have to be separated since they don’t get along that well. Since the start of the school year, the club has received quite a lot of donations, including a chameleon cage that stands at 4 feet tall. The cage is currently empty but that likely won’t remain true for long since the club only keeps growing larger and larger as the year goes on.
Every time the club gets a new animal, they do a vote to allow the club visitors to decide on what the reptile’s name should be. The only ones not voted on are Sophira, because Jacq owned her before the club existed, and one of their ball pythons, which is named Evil Kevin. Kevin got the name because when Jacq got it, it immediately bit him. They’ve been keeping a counter of how many days in a row it’s been since Kevin bit someone and they’ve started calling it “Super Kind Kevin” instead of Evil Kevin as a fun joke since it hardly manages to go 5 days without biting someone.
A pair of the animals that got their names voted on are the club’s two crested geckos, which are named Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. The two of them were received by the club at the same time which explains the matching names they have. Pinkie Pie is the smaller of the two and has an orange color, while Rainbow Dash is the larger one and has a more brownish color with black spots. Since crested geckos are really good at jumping, the club members are recommended to hold them above tables and counters so they don’t jump onto the floor and get hurt.
A few other reptiles that the club has received are their leopard gecko named Yoshi, their other ball python named Frankie, and their frog named Big Mac. Yoshi is usually hiding somewhere in its enclosure, though not well since its tail or sometimes head can be seen. Frankie is a few people’s favorite due to the way it just sits there in people’s hands, and is more of an opposite to Evil Kevin despite also being a ball python. Big Mac is rarely seen at all in its cage, due to the fact that it buries itself under the dirt in its enclosure and hides there for hours at a time. All these animals can be found at Scales Club, which meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch. Scales club will allow anyone to visit as long as they can treat the reptiles correctly.