Since the 17th century, people have had one burning question: Is my friend a gnome? This is a list of surefire ways to find out if they are. First found in 1566, gnomes were mythical creatures connected to the earth and the things on it, such as animals and plants. They were found protecting the earth and its creatures from humans on multiple occasions, such as collapsing mines. Eventually, gnomes became less hostile and more caring, watching over gardens and showing a love for the world. Now gnomes are hard to find, as many blend in with humans and live life with the rest of us, but there are still ways to distinguish a gnome from a human.
There are 5 main ways to tell if your friend is a gnome; an unusual pointy hat, a beard, a small stature, a playful demeanor, and a love for gardening. If someone is a gnome they will line up with at least 3 of these characteristics, and you might want to be more cautious around them. For this article, the example of Elliot Day will be used, as he is a well-known garden-loving gnome.
An unusual colorful and pointy hat is a quick and easy way to tell if your friend is a gnome. A lot of gnomes nowadays, such as Elliot Day, don’t wear pointy hats because it gives them away really easily. However, it is still a staple in their culture. This means that if you go to a gnome’s house, you can probably find their pointy colorful hat somewhere as they need them for gnome meetups. If you ask a gnome about their pointy hat such as “What color is your pointy hat?” you may be able to catch them off guard and get them to admit that they have one, proving they are a gnome.
If the gnome you are trying to find is more cautious though, the pointy hat may not be a good way to find them out. In that case, you should look for something many people have that’s a part of gnome culture, a beard. While having a beard or facial hair doesn’t immediately mean someone is a gnome, no gnome can be clean-shaven, so if you suspect a gnome, a beard or facial hair is something to look for. In the case of Elliot Day, he doesn’t have a beard, but he has started to grow facial hair, obviously aiming for the long white beards that some of his gnome peers have.
Another way to find a gnome is the short stature they possess. For the entirety of Gnome existence, being short has been a defining feature of a gnome. While some normal people are short too, if you find someone who just can’t seem to grow, that probably means they are a Gnome. Elliot Day sits at a short 5’6, showing that while he is tall for a gnome, he is nowhere near human height.
If you’re having trouble finding only physical aspects of a gnome you might want to look more closely at how they act, looking for a playful demeanor. Gnomes are known to be funny and playful and love to play pranks, make jokes, and make friends laugh. This is especially prevalent in Elliot Day, as he loves to make people laugh and keep any room happy and lighthearted.
The final and most important characteristic of a Gnome to look for is a Gnome’s love for gardening. Any gnome can be found caring for plants, watering them, or just sitting there watching them grow. If your friend is a gnome then this is how you find out. Watch how they act around gardens, and if they like to stand completely still in them. For Elliot Day, he loves to garden and you can find him spending time in gardens or even taking pictures of them.