Students Transition From Summer Sleep Habits

Artwork by Belle Dilger

After junior Marley Crepps finished his test, he passed out at his desk. Crepps believes that having an inconsistent sleep schedule can completely throw off a student’s work ethic. Part of this has to do with students having to alter their sleep schedule from summer to the beginning of the school year. According to Johns Hopkins Medical center, teens need 9 to 9 ½ hours of sleep per night. Another student, junior James Hartline, suffers from the same issues as Crepps. Hartline has noticed a large change in his sleeping habits. He says the sleep transition from summer to school was difficult. 

“Once I started my junior year, I realized that I would not have the same freedom that I would otherwise have [during the summer],” Hartline said.

Sophomore Dorian Manewitz has trouble keeping up with his schoolwork; he says that the transition has made his school work decline in quality.

“By the point that I went to sleep, I hadn’t really done much, I didn’t have much time to do homework because I had procrastinated and was just not acclimated,” Manewitz said.

Junior Canek Morales says his sleep schedule has improved since the start of the school year. 

“It definitely changed a lot [during the school year]. Now I go to bed at 11:00 p.m. and I usually wake up at 7:30, so I actually feel better now that school’s started,” Morales said.

 Senior Camille Taylor says that things have gotten easier due to her having to wake up early over the summer to go to athletic practices.

“I thought [the transition] was really easy because, after a long day of school, I would be tired anyway, and I would fall asleep at the time I wanted to go to bed,” Taylor said. 

Senior Bella Gray, despite waking up early, also claims that she follows a similar sleep schedule as Taylor, with athletics playing a major role in it as well.

“I shoot for 10:30 maybe 10:45, and I’d wake up at like 5:46,” Gray said.  

Hartline thinks all students truly need is a steady sleep schedule with proper time management to have a successful high school career. Hartline says that a small amount of sleep can make a significant difference to one’s sleep schedule. 

“Even a 30 minute reduction in alarm time is quite the mountain to climb,” Hartline said.