Picnic Club Brings People, Culture Together


Tatiana Brown-Gomez

The members of picnic club have a late start picnic, right on the outskirts of the field.

Picnic Club is one of the many new clubs on campus this year. Members bring different foods, share and have fun. Tara Simons, the president of Picnic Club, wants everyone to be able to experience different types of food and culture.

“I thought it would be a good way to bring people together and bring our cultures together. I think food is just such an important part of culture,” Simons said. “My family is Puerto Rican, and I know a lot of people haven’t had authentic Puerto Rican food. I was thinking that I could bring food and share that part of myself.”

Simons and members of Picnic Club want the space to be open and fun. Overall it is a safe place where anyone is welcome.

“Anybody is welcome to come to Picnic Club, and we highly encourage you to bring something. The club also has a remind @810-10 @picnicahs, where we send out reminds about themes of what food someone should bring. Fortunately, we haven’t really had a problem with that. Plus it’s easy just to bring something like a package of cookies or a little drink. It’s really not that hard at all. You can make it at home or get it from the store,” Simons said.

Picnic Club is open to all students and tries not to inconvenience anyone, which is why any type of food is allowed, whether it is store bought or home cooked. Some members do choose to buy from their local grocery store, but other members such as sophomore Xander Christou, use the club as an opportunity to bust out their cooking skills.

“This club gives me the opportunity to try out the freshest recipes at home and perfect and improve my cooking skills. I make the food every week on Thursday nights, which gives me the opportunity to make new food,” Christou said.

This is the perfect club for anyone who wants to show off their cooking skills. Friends come together to share their culture and share stories. Plus it is an opportunity for anyone who wants to make friends or is new to the school.

“I love the idea of Picnic Club and the fact that it brings people together over one common thing that we all love,” Christou said.